Interviewer instructions
For each household member 5-24 years of age (this includes those age 5 and age 24), ask questions ED4-ED8, which inquire about school attendance. While the ideal respondent for these questions would be the mother or primary caretaker, any adult member of the household may provide the information. Since questions from ED4 to ED8 refer to school attendance, they will have to be adapted to the situation at the time of the interview. All questions should be retained. However, the wording and coding will have to be changed. The objective of these questions is to capture the school attendance of household members in two consecutive school years. In the explanations below, information is provided on how this can be tackled. --- Circle the code for the level of school attended and fill in the child's grade or enter '8' if the respondent doesn't know the level and/or '98' if the respondent doesn't know the grade. If the child was in pre-school or kindergarten, and grades are not used, omit the grade.